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OEA基金会 帮助学生成功

成立于1995年, the OEA基金会 provides educators with up to $100 grants to help students meet basic, urgent and immediate needs so they can succeed in school. Cash grants from the Foundation fill needs unmet by any other source.


成立于1995年, the OEA基金会 provides educators with up to $100 grants to help students meet basic, urgent and immediate needs so they can succeed in school. Cash grants from the Foundation fill needs unmet by any other source.

的 OEA基金会 has purchased countless pairs of eyeglasses, provided many students with winter coats, paid for dental work and doctor visits, fitted new shoes on lots of feet, and even replaced a broken bedroom window. 当一切尘埃落定, the OEA基金会 works to ensure that the physical, 社会, and emotional needs of students do not stand in the way of success in school.

A handwritten thank you note for the OEA基金会
OEA基金会, 谢谢你! so much for helping B. 得到眼镜! She is enjoying being able to see and explore everything around her. 谢谢你!!
引用: 基金受助人
OEA基金会 - California Casualty award

California Casualty 捐赠s $15k to OEA基金会

California Casualty has proudly worked with the 俄勒冈教育协会 (OEA) as their exclusive auto & 自1974年起提供家庭服务. 最近, California Casualty's Account Development Manager, 蒂蒂邓普顿, made a visit to the OEA headquarters in Portland to meet with board members of the OEA基金会 and deliver a special contribution - a check for $15,000 to help the Foundation meet students' basic needs! 谢谢你! for your support and partnership, California Casualty!


每一天, professionals working in Oregon's public schools encounter students living with unmet basic needs; needs that have a serious impact on a student's ability to succeed in their education. Inadequate clothing and footwear, untreated medical or dental conditions, vision or hearing problems. OEA members frequently dig into their own pockets to help these students. But like most problems facing public education - we can achieve more when we work together.

的 OEA基金会 creates an opportunity for educators across the state to pool their generously donated resources to ensure the impact we have for our students is greater than we could ever achieve on our own. 的 OEA基金会 conducts fundraising year-round to create a sustainable pool of resources that can be accessed to support students when they have a critical need.

自成立以来, the key source for foundation grants has been donations from OEA members and staff. 的 OEA family continues to be generous in their support through payroll deductions and cash and online donations. 的 俄勒冈教育协会 funds all of the administrative costs of the Foundation, which allows all donations to be used to provide direct assistance to students.

捐赠: Recurring Payroll Deducation

的 best way to support the OEA基金会 is through a recurring payroll deduction, which helps cut down on transaction fees and ensures even more of your donation goes directly to supporting students in Oregon. Use the form below to set up your recurring payroll education and join OEA members across the state in supporting students experiencing critical needs.


捐赠:一次性 & 经常性电子支付

Looking to make a one-time or recurring donation to the OEA基金会? Simply follow the link below the OEA Electronic Payment System, register to create a new account, 然后安排你的捐款. 


A handwritten thank you note to the OEA基金会
亲爱的OEA基金会, 谢谢你! very much for allowing me to take my student shopping for clothes and shoes. It was such a treat and we are both so grateful.
引用: 杰西卡, OEA会员

谢谢你! for your interest in an OEA基金会 grant. 的 2023-2024 grant application period has closed. 的 next grant cycle will begin on September 1, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your grant application in the upcoming grant cycle!


Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education

的 俄勒冈教育协会 (OEA) is a union committed to the cause of providing the basic right of great public education to every student. OEA代表大约41个,000 educators working in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public schools and community colleges. OEA’s membership includes licensed teachers and specialists, classified/education support professionals (ESPs), 社区学院教师, 退休教师, 学生成员. OEA members also belong to the 3.2 million members of the National Education Association (NEA).